lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

Morning awakening

Yesterday i dream again with you, i know it was you because only in dreams i can feel that way, only in dreams i know that is you in the moment that you appear, i have seen your skinny body, your black hair an your dark blue eyes, more than one time, when you appear i feel that essence of being complete, that essence i have never feel in the real world. Its hard to dream with you, because it so normal, there is not a glowing light around you, you are not wearing a fancy cloathing, and theres no little angels waking around you. You just walk around and you see me an i see you and for a moment i now that you are a rational thing beacause you answer thinks that i don´t even think, you move around with a special dumpy movement that i cant describe, you touch me diferent not like a normal dream that there is a girl, sometimes i can`t even talk, you have normal clothes like a normal girl, and you look so real you are not a blowr object, or a constitution o fragments of my memories, you look just like you, and i havent even see someone like you, When i wake up into reality i still feel you, when i wake up this feeling of a broken heart starts to grow inside of me, this coldness of reality surrounds me; my hands, my skin, my eyes try to search in this reallity as if you were taken in the middle of the night. I beleve that you are out there, dreaming about me, i hope this world reality don`t chance your essence and you still believe in me, because i will always belive in you.

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